Why trust me?

I get it – why should you trust me when you know nothing about me?

My ‘about’ page will give you more information - but my whole life has been in education - Primary schools for 33 years before this current iteration. When I was in primary schools, I was everything from classroom teacher to curriculum leader and Assistant Principal … so I know how maths is taught, and I also know how much it has changed, because I had to implement those changes in the classroom.

I’ve also seen how much parents have struggled to keep up with the changes, to the point that it has turned into something that has become ‘too hard’ to manage. Help with maths homework gets put in the ‘too hard’ basket, not only because of the changes, but parents like you are so busy, they often can’t get to the meetings at school where maths is de-mystified and explained. Am I right?

So, I decided to do something about it.

I built MathsBites.

Every other program is geared towards children or teachers, but MathsBites is for parents … for you! And because you are so busy, I have been very mindful of time. The videos are short, but packed full of information.

So, are you ready? Let’s get started …


“I’m not a teacher, so how am I supposed to help my child?”


Homework hassles? We’ve all been there …