Maths help for parents of children in Early Stage 1

Kindergarten is a magical time! 
In Early Stage 1 your child will use facts they know to learn and explore facts they don’t know, and they’ll use play, games and manipulatives (blocks, playdough, etc) to investigate and talk about mathematical ideas and they’ll begin building flexible thinking. Your support at home will help them get the crucial practice that is required to make these concepts permanent, and it will also build your child’s confidence as a mathematician.

Early Stage 1 (K)

What will I learn?

  • Bite 1:

    • Instantly name the number of objects within small collections

    • Use the counting sequence of ones flexibly

    • Recognise number patterns

    • Connect counting and numerals to quantities

  • Bite 1:

    • Model additive relations and compare quantities

    • Identify part–whole relationships in numbers up to 10

  • Bite 1:

    • copy and continue repeating patterns

    • forming equal groups by sharing

    • recording grouping and sharing.

  • Bite 1 – Position:

    • Describe position and movement of oneself

    Bite 2 – Length:

    • Use direct and indirect comparisons to decide which is longer

    • Create half a length

  • Bite 1 – 2D shapes:

    • Sort, describe and name familiar shapes

    Bite 2 – 2D shapes:

    • Represent shapes

    Bite 3 - Area:

    • Identify and compare area

  • Bite 1 – 3D objects:

    • Explore familiar three-dimensional objects

    Bite 2 – Volume:

    • Compare internal volume by filling and packing

    Bite 3: Volume:

    • Compare volume by building

  • Bite 1 – Mass:

    • Identify and compare mass using weight

    Bite 2 – Time:

    • Compare and order the duration of events using the language of time

    • Connect days of the week to familiar events and actions

    • Tell time on the hour on analog and digital clocks

  • Bite 1:

    • Respond to questions, collect information and discuss possible outcomes of activities

    • Organise objects into simple data displays and interpret the displays

Early Stage 1 (K)



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Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3