Maths help for parents of children in Stage 1
-Years 1 & 2-

In Stage 1 your child will continue to develop their understanding of the concepts upon which all others are built. They will also continue to develop their ability to explain their thinking and why they choose the strategies they use. Your support at home will help them get the crucial practice that is required to make these concepts permanent, and it will also build your child’s confidence as a mathematician.

Year 1

What will I learn?

  • Bite 1:

    • Use counting sequences of ones with two-digit numbers and beyond.

    • Continue and create number patterns.

    • Represent numbers on a line.

    • Represent the structure of groups of ten in whole numbers.

  • Bite 1:

    • Use advanced count-by-one strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems.

    • Recognise and recall number bonds up to ten.

    Bite 2:

    • Use flexible strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems.

    • Represent equality.

  • Bite 1:

    • Count in multiples using rhythmic and skip counting.

    • Use skip counting patterns.

    Bite 2:

    • Model and use equal groups of objects to represent multiplication.

    • Recognise and represent division.

  • Bite 1: Position

    • Follow directions to familiar locations.

    Bite 2: Length

    • Measure the lengths of objects using uniform informal units.

    Bite 3: Length

    • Compare lengths using uniform informal units.

    • Subdivide lengths to find halves and quarters.

  • Bite 1: 2D Shapes

    • Recognise and classify shapes using obvious features.

    • Transform shapes with slides and reflections.

    Bite 2: Area

    • Indirectly compare area.

    • Measure areas using uniform informal units.

  • Bite 1 : 3D Objects

    • Recognise familiar three-dimensional objects.

    • Sort and describe three-dimensional objects.

    Bite 2: Volume

    • Measure and compare the internal volumes (capacities) of containers by filling.

    • Measure the internal volume (capacity) of containers by packing.

    • Construct volumes using cubes.

  • Bite 1: Mass

    • Investigate mass using an equal-arm balance.

    Bite 2: Time

    • Name and order the cycle of months.

    • Tell time to the half-hour.

  • Bite 1:

    • Ask questions and gather data.

    • Represent data with objects and drawings and describe the displays.

  • Bite 1:

    • Identify and describe possible outcomes.

Year 2

What will I learn?

  • Bite 1:

    • Use counting sequences of ones and tens flexibly.

    Bite 2:

    • Form, regroup, and rename three-digit numbers.

  • Bite 1:

    • Represent and reason about additive relations.

    Bite 2:

    • Form multiples of ten when adding and subtracting two-digit numbers.

    • Use knowledge of equality to solve related problems.

  • Bite 1:

    • Represent and explain multiplication as the combining of equal groups.

    Bite 2:

    • Model doubling and halving with fractions.

    • Represent multiplication and division problems.

  • Bite 1: Position

    • Explore simple maps of familiar locations.

    Bite 2: Length

    • Compare and order lengths, using appropriate uniform informal units.

    Bite 3: Length

    • Recognise and use formal units to measure the lengths of objects.

    Bite 4 - Length:

    • Repeatedly halve lengths to form eighths.

  • Bite 1 - 2D Shapes:

    • Represent, combine and separate two-dimensional shapes.

    • Identify and describe the orientation of shapes using quarter turns.

    Bite 2 - Area:

    • Compare rectangular areas using uniform square units of an appropriate size in rows and columns.

  • Bite 1 : 3D Objects

    • Describe the features of three-dimensional objects.

    Bite 2: Volume

    • Compare containers based on internal volume (capacity) by filling and packing.

    • Compare volumes using uniform informal units.

  • Bite 1: Mass

    • Compare the masses of objects using an equal-arm balance.

    Bite 2: Time

    • Describe duration using units of time.

    • Tell time to the quarter-hour using the language of ‘past’ and ‘to’.

  • Bite 1:

    • Identify a question of interest and gather relevant data.

    • Create displays of data and interpret them.

  • Bite 1:

    • Identify and describe activities that involve chance.

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Stage 1 - Year 1


Stage 1 - Year 2



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Early Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3