Maths help for parents of children in Stage 3
-Years 5 & 6-
In Stage 3 your child will build upon the knowledge they now have. They will regularly demonstrate their ability to talk about their thinking, show their understanding of multiple concepts in multiple ways, including their ability to think flexibly about numbers and to manipulate them for efficiency. They begin to learn about more efficient methods for recording their thinking. Your support at home will help them get the crucial practice that is required to make these concepts permanent, and it will also build your child’s confidence as a mathematician.
Year 5
What will I learn?
Bite 1- Whole numbers:
Recognise, represent and order numbers in the millions
Apply place value to partition, regroup and rename numbers to 1 billion.
Bite 2: Decimals and Percentages
Recognise that the place value system can be extended beyond hundredths.
Bite 3: Decimals and Percentages
Compare, order and represent decimals.
Bite 1:
Apply efficient mental and written strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems
Bite 2:
Use estimation and place value understanding to determine the reasonableness of solutions.
Bite 3:
An introduction to partitioning, regrouping and exchanging (trading).
Bite 4:
Partitioning, regrouping and exchanging (trading) in addition.
Bite 5:
Partitioning, regrouping and exchanging (trading) in subtraction.
Bite 1:
Determine products and factors
Bite 2:
Use partitioning and place value to multiply 2-, 3- and 4-digit numbers by one-digit numbers
Bite 3:
Select and apply mental and written strategies to multiply 2- and 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers
Use estimation and rounding to check the reasonableness of answers to calculations
Bite 4
Represent and solve division problems with whole number remainders
Bite 5:
Select and apply strategies to divide a number with 3 or more digits by a one-digit divisor
Bite 1:
Recognise the role of the number 1 as representing the whole
Compare and order common unit fractions
Bite 2:
Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator
Bite 1: Position
Explore the Cartesian coordinate system
Bite 2: Length
Use metres and kilometres for length and distances
Bite 3: Length
Measure lengths to find perimeters
Bite 4: Angles
Estimate, measure and compare angles using degrees
Bite 5: Angles
Use a protractor to measure and identify types of angles
Bite 1: 2D Shapes
Classify two-dimensional shapes and describe their properties
Bite 2: Area
Use hectares and square kilometres as units of measurement for area
Calculate the areas of rectangles using familiar metric units
Bite 1 - 3D objects:
Compare, describe and name prisms and pyramids
Connect three-dimensional objects with two-dimensional representations
Bite 2 – Volume:
Choose appropriate units of measurement for capacity
Use displacement to investigate volumes of irregular solids
Bite 3: Volume:
Connect decimal representations to the metric system
Bite 1: Mass
Choose appropriate units of measurement for mas
Connect decimal representations to the metric system
Bite 2: Time
Compare 12- and 24-hour time systems and convert between them
Bite 1:
Collect categorical and discrete numerical data by observation or survey
Choose and use appropriate tables and graphs
Bite 2:
Describe and interpret different datasets in contexts.
Bite 1:
List outcomes of chance experiments involving equally likely outcomes and represent probabilities
Year 6
What will I learn?
Bite 1 :
Whole numbers: Locate and represent integers on a number line
Decimals and percentages: Make connections between benchmark fractions, decimals and percentages
Bite 2:
Decimals and percentages: Determine percentage discounts of 10%, 25% and 50%
Bite 1:
Choose and use efficient strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems
Applies known strategies to add and subtract decimals.
Bite 2:
An introduction to partitioning, regrouping and exchanging (trading).
Bite 3:
Partitioning, regrouping and exchanging (trading) in addition.
Bite 4:
Partitioning, regrouping and exchanging (trading) in subtraction.
Bite 1:
Select and apply strategies to solve problems involving multiplication and division with whole numbers
Bite 2:
Multiply and divide decimals by powers of 10
Bite 3:
Use equivalent number sentences involving multiplication and division to find unknown quantities
Bite 4:
Represent and describe number patterns formed by multiples
Bite 5:
Explore the use of brackets and the order of operations to write number sentences
Bite 1:
Recognise that a fraction can represent a division
Build up to the whole from a given fractional part
Bite 2:
Compare common fractions with related denominators
Bite 3 :
Use equivalence to add and subtract fractional quantities
Bite 4:
Find fractional quantities of whole numbers (halves, quarters, fifths and tenths)
Bite 1: Position
Use the 4 quadrants of the coordinate plane
Bite 2: Length
Connect decimal representations to the metric system
Bite 3: Length
Convert between common metric units of length
Bite 4: Length
Solve problems involving the comparison of lengths using appropriate units
Bite 5: Angles
Investigate angles on a straight line and angles at a point
Bite 6 : Angles
Investigate the relationships formed by the intersection of straight lines
Bite 1: 2D Shapes
Dissect two-dimensional shapes and rearrange them using translations, reflections and rotations
Bite 2: Area
Find the area of composite figures
Bite 3 : Area
Calculate the area of a parallelogram using subdivision and rearrangement
Bite 4: Area
Determine the area of a triangle
Bite 1: 3D Objects
Construct prisms and pyramids
Bite 2: Volume
Use cubic metres for measurement of volume
Bite 3: Volume
Recognise the multiplicative structure for finding volume
Bite 4: Volume
Find the volumes of rectangular prisms in cubic centimetres and cubic metres
Bite 1: Mass
Convert between common metric units of mass
Bite 2: Time
Solve problems involving duration, using 12- and 24-hour time
Bite 1:
Interpret and compare a range of data displays
Bite 2:
Interpret data presented in digital media and elsewhere
Bite 1:
Compare observed frequencies of outcomes with expected results
Bite 2:
Create random generators and describe probabilities using fractions
Bite 3:
Conduct chance experiments with both small and large numbers of trials
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Stage 3 - Year 5
Stage 3 - Year 6
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