Maths help for parents of children in Stage 2
-Year 3 & 4-

In Stage 2 your child will learn more about, and start using, efficient mental and written strategies. They will continue to develop their ability to talk about their thinking and about what strategies they choose to use to solve a variety of mathematical problems. They will further develop their ability to see and manipulate numbers in a way that increases efficiency. Your support at home will help them get the crucial practice that is required to make these concepts permanent, and it will also build your child’s confidence as a mathematician.

Year 3

What will I learn?

  • Bite 1:

    • Read, represent, compare and order numbers to 1000

    Bite 2:

    • Apply place value to partition and regroup numbers up to 4 digits

  • Bite 1:

    • Use the principle of equality

    Bite 2:

    • Recognise and explain the connection between addition and subtractions

    Bite 3:

    • Select strategies flexibly to solve addition and subtraction problems of up to 3 digits

    Bite 4:

    • Represent money values in multiple ways

  • Bite 1:

    • Generate and describe patterns

    Bite 2:

    • Use arrays to establish multiplication facts from multiples of 2 and 4, 5 and 10

    Bite 3:

    • Recall multiplication facts of 2 and 4, 5 and 10 and related division facts

    • Represent and solve problems involving multiplication fact families

  • Bite 1:

    • Create fractional parts of a length using techniques other than repeated halving

    Bite 2:

    • Model and represent unit fractions, and their multiples, to a complete whole on a number line

  • Bite 1: Position

    • Interpret movement on a map

    • Locate positions on grid maps

    Bite 2: Length

    • Measure and compare objects using metres, centimetres and millimetres

    Bite 3: Angles

    • Identify angles as measures of turn

  • Bite 1: 2D Shapes

    • Compare and describe features of two-dimensional shapes

    Bite 2: 2D Shapes

    • Transform shapes by reflecting, translating and rotating

    Bite 3: Area

    • Use square centimetres to measure and estimate the areas of rectangles

    Bite 4: Area

    • Use square metres to measure and estimate the areas of rectangles

  • Bite 1 : 3D Objects

    • Make models of three-dimensional objects to compare and describe key features

    Bite 2: Volume

    • Measure and order containers using litres

    Bite 3: Volume

    • Compare objects using familiar metric units of volume

  • Bite 1: Mass

    • Compare objects using the kilogram

    Bite 2: Time

    • Represent and read analog time

  • Bite 1:

    • Collect discrete data

    • Organise and display data using tables and graphs

    • Interpret and compare data

  • Bite 1:

    • Identify possible outcomes from chance experiments

Year 4

What will I learn?

  • Bite 1 – Whole Numbers:

    • order numbers in the 1000s.

    Bite 2 – Whole Numbers:

    • apply place value to partition, regroup and rename numbers up to 6 digits.

    • recognise and representing numbers that are 10x, 100x and 1000x larger.

    Bite 3- Decimals:

    • Extend the application of the place value system from whole numbers to tenths and hundredths.

    Bite 4- Decimals:

    • Extend the application of the place value system from whole numbers to tenths and hundredths.

    Bite 5 – Decimals:

    • Make connections between fractions and decimal notation

  • Bite 1:

    • Partition, rearrange and regroup numbers to at least 1000 to solve additive problems

    Bite 2:

    • Apply addition and subtraction to familiar contexts, including money and budgeting

    Bite 3:

    • Complete number sentences involving additive relations to find unknown quantities

    Bite 4:

    • An introduction to partitioning, regrouping and exchanging (trading).

    Bite 5:

    • Partitioning, regrouping and exchanging (trading) in addition.

    Bite 6:

    • Partitioning, regrouping and exchanging (trading) in subtraction.

  • Bite 1:

    • Investigate number sequences involving related multiples

    • Use known number facts and strategies

    Bite 2:

    • Use the structure of the area model to represent multiplication and division

    • Use number properties to find related multiplication facts

    Bite 3:

    • Operate with multiples of 10

    • Represent and solve word problems with number sentences involving multiplication or division

  • Bite 1:

    • Model equivalent fractions as lengths

    Bite 2:

    • Represent fractional quantities equal to and greater than one

  • Bite 1: Position

    • Create and interpret grid maps

    • Use directional language and describe routes with grid maps

    Bite 2: Length

    • Use scaled instruments to measure and compare lengths

    Bite 3: Angles

    • Compare angles to a right angle

  • Bite 1 - 2D Shapes:

    • Create two-dimensional shapes that result from combining and splitting common shapes

    • Create symmetrical patterns and shapes

    Bite 2 - Area:

    • Measure the areas of shapes using the grid structure

    • Compare surfaces using familiar metric units of area

  • Bite 1 : 3D Objects

    • Connect three-dimensional objects and two-dimensional representations

    Bite 2: Volume

    • Use scaled instruments to measure and compare capacities (internal volumes)

  • Bite 1: Mass

    • use scaled instruments to measure and compare masses.

    Bite 2: Time

    • Represent and interpret digital time displays

    • Use am and pm notation

  • Bite 1:

    • Select and trial methods for data collection

    • Construct and interpret data displays with many-to-one scales

  • Bite 1:

    • Describe the likelihood of outcomes of chance events

    • Identify when events are affected by previous events

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Stage 2 - Year 3


Stage 2 - Year 4



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Early Stage 1

Stage 1

Stage 3