Homework hassles? We’ve all been there …
Cast your mind back to when you were at school and encountered an issue with your maths homework … and you asked Mum or Dad for help. How did that go? Honestly?
Most of us can remember, or know of someone who experienced the tears, the frustration and the raised voices - and that was just from the parent/s. Our parents had little to no idea how we did things in the classroom. How could they? They only knew what they knew, and how they were taught to do things…
Now wind the clock forward to today…Are you able to confidently support your child (or children) with their maths homework when needed, or are you reverting to what you know, and how you were taught?
Because it’s not the way your child does it at school, this causes issues. To you, the strategies seem long winded and the language they use is so foreign - to you.
So, the question is asked - “Why don’t you just learn it like we did?” - and around we go again, just like when you were a child.
Now, do you really want that to be the way you help your child practice, understand or consolidate the concepts that they need to know?Of course not. You want a better way … and there is a better way. You’ve found your way here, so the next logical step is to sign up for an account, because that’s the solution to this whole problem.
Once we know better, we can do better. MathsBites will guide you through it all.
You’ll learn the ‘foreign’ language in no time at all, and you’ll understand why they learn things the way they do … which means you will be able to help - without the dramas of the past.
Are you ready to take the next step? Let’s get started …