ES1 - Combining and Separating
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Model additive relations and compare quantities
Identify situations in which addition and subtraction may be applied
Combine two or more groups of objects to model addition, identifying the relationship between the parts and the whole
Separate and take away part of a group of objects to model subtraction
Use concrete materials or fingers to model and solve addition and subtraction questions, counting forwards or backwards by ones as necessary
Compare two groups of objects to determine how many more
Identify part–whole relationships in numbers up to 10
Use visual representations of numbers to assist with combining and separating quantities, identifying the relationship between the quantities
Describe the action of combining, separating and comparing
Use five as a reference in forming numbers from six to ten
Create, model and recognise combinations for numbers up to ten
Count by ones to find the total or difference
Use drawings, words and numerals to record addition and subtraction, and explain their thinking