ES1 - Representing Whole Numbers - Bite 1
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Instantly name the number of objects within small collections
Instantly recognise (subitise) the number of items in small groups of up to four items without counting
Identify the number of items in different arrangements
Use the counting sequence of ones flexibly
Count forwards to at least 30 and state the number after or before a given number, without needing to count from one
Identify and distinguish the ‘teen’ numbers from multiples of ten with the same initial sounds
Count backwards from a given number 20 or less
Identify the number before as 'one less' and the number after as 'one more’ than a given number
Recognise number patterns
Recognise dice and domino dot patterns
Recognise different finger patterns for the same number
Connect counting and numerals to quantities
Count with one-to-one correspondence, recognising that the last number name represents the total number in the collection
Count out a specified number of objects (from 5 to 20) from a larger collection, keeping track of the count
Make correspondences between collections
Read numerals to at least 20, including zero
Represent numbers as quantities to at least 20 using objects (such as fingers), number words and numerals
Compare and order numbers to 20
Use the term ‘is the same as’ to express equality of groups