ES1 - Representing Whole Numbers - Bite 1

Sale Price:$15.00 Original Price:$16.50

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Instantly name the number of objects within small collections

  • Instantly recognise (subitise) the number of items in small groups of up to four items without counting

  • Identify the number of items in different arrangements

Use the counting sequence of ones flexibly

  • Count forwards to at least 30 and state the number after or before a given number, without needing to count from one

  • Identify and distinguish the ‘teen’ numbers from multiples of ten with the same initial sounds

  • Count backwards from a given number 20 or less

  • Identify the number before as 'one less' and the number after as 'one more’ than a given number

Recognise number patterns

  • Recognise dice and domino dot patterns

  • Recognise different finger patterns for the same number

Connect counting and numerals to quantities

  • Count with one-to-one correspondence, recognising that the last number name represents the total number in the collection

  • Count out a specified number of objects (from 5 to 20) from a larger collection, keeping track of the count

  • Make correspondences between collections

  • Read numerals to at least 20, including zero

  • Represent numbers as quantities to at least 20 using objects (such as fingers), number words and numerals

  • Compare and order numbers to 20

  • Use the term ‘is the same as’ to express equality of groups

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